The concept of sustainability is developed around three main aspects, namely Social, Environmental and Economic (ESG) aspects and their integration within the company dynamics. This integration involves the possibility of creating various benefits in terms of business performance, access to capital but also market positioning and long-term growth.
The reporting of ESG issues has long been at the center of attention of the economic and financial system, both nationally and internationally, because:
This element includes as benchmarks, aspects of social cohesion and workers' rights, human rights, participation and gender equity, but also supply chain management in terms of child labor, fair remuneration and appropriate working conditions.
Environmental elements of reference from a business perspective include, among others, aspects concerning the assessment of the impacts of processes, products and services on natural resources, air, water, soil, biodiversity and human health, use of renewable materials and/or sustainable services.
Regarding the economic aspects to be assessed in the perspective of sustainability, these include the creation of value for the Community and the Territory, through sustainable growth and adequate remuneration, investment in research and development, promotion and enhancement of human capital, social justice and sustainable finance.
The ESG valorization mechanism develops through a double track, investor side and corporate side. On the investor side, public and private players operating in the financial markets are increasingly encouraged to invest taking into account ESG sustainability criteria on the basis of recent national and European regulatory initiatives. As for the second, companies that embark on a path of sustainability allow financial players to have access to sustainability/ESG information necessary to proceed with capital allocation. The macro-trend is therefore that of seeing access to capital markets increasingly anchored to ESG/Sustainability dynamics.
The approach to ESG and Sustainability by companies varies on the basis of various factors, including size, industry, applicable regulations and stakeholders.
If on the one hand these factors affect the strategy to be adopted in terms of Sustainability, on the other, they constitute some of the fundamental steps for the implementation of an effective repositioning of the company in terms of ESG.
Thanks to a multidisciplinary team and a set of strategic, legal, regulatory, accounting and financial competences also in RegTech key, Lexacta and Amagis Capital are able to support large and medium-small companies during their ESG journey, identifying pragmatic and innovative solutions aimed at improving performance and access to capital markets.
On the basis of the type of company, the Lexacta and Amagis team will propose a consultancy offer focused on the path of sustainability to be undertaken at corporate level, distinguishing mainly between Large Cap and Small Cap given the different regulatory requirements, as well as the peculiarities of their business models.
For more information:
Lexacta Global Legal Advice
Registered Office: Milan – Piazza Fontana, 6 20122
P.IVA: 04382171009 – CF: 04924710157
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Piazza Fontana, 6 20122
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